Sunday, March 31, 2013

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How ARP Works

This article is based off of a series of usenet posts (one in particular) on the news group. I've done some revision in order to make the whole thing flow as a stand-alone document and I've also made some revisions to the example.

What is ARP?

ARP stands for Address Resolution Protocol. It is used to associate a layer 3 (Network layer) address (such as an IP address) with a layer 2 (Data Link layer) address (MAC address).

Layer 2 vs. Layer 3 addressing

I think where a lot of confusion with ARP comes from is in regards to how the IP address and the MAC address work together. The IP address is a layer 3 (network layer) address. The MAC address is a layer 2 (data link) address. The layer 3 address is a logical address. It will pertain to a single protocol (such as IP, IPX, or Appletalk). The layer 2 address is a physical address. It pertains to the actual hardware interface (NIC) in the computer. A computer can have any number of layer 3 addresses but it will only have 1 layer 2 address per LAN interface. At layer 3, the data is addressed to the host that the data is destined for. At layer 2 though, the data is addressed to the next hop. This is handy because you only need to know a host's layer 3 address (which can be found out by using DNS for instance) but you won't need to know the hardware address (and you won't have to bog down the network by sending an ARP request across the internet to find it out). The layer 3 packet (addressed to the destination host) will be encapsulated within a layer 2 frame (addressed to the next hop).

ARP operation for a local host

Your computer will have data that it needs to send (I'm assuming that we're using TCP/IP from here on). When the data gets to the Network layer it will put on the destination IP address. All of this info (the network layer datagram, aka packet) is passed down to the data link layer where it is taken and placed within a data link frame. Based on the IP address (and the subnet mask), your computer should be able to figure out if the destination IP is a local IP or not. If the IP is local, your computer will look in it's ARP table (a table where the responses to previous ARP requests are cached) to find the MAC address. If it's not there, then your computer will broadcast an ARP request to find out the MAC address for the destination IP. Since this request is broadcast, all machines on the LAN will receive it and examine the contents. If the IP address in the request is their own, they'll reply. On receiving this information, your computer will update it's ARP table to include the new information and will then send out the frame (addressed with the destination host's MAC address).

ARP operation for a remote host

If the IP is not local then the gateway (router) will see this (remember, the ARP request is broadcast so all hosts on the LAN will see the request). The router will look in it's routing table and if it has a route to the destination network, then it will reply with it's own MAC address.
This is only the case if your own computer doesn't know anything about the network topology. In most cases, your computer knows the subnet mask and has a default gateway set. Because of this, your own computer can figure out for itself that the packet is not destined for the local network. Instead, your computer will use the MAC address of the default gateway (which it will either have in it's ARP table or have to send out an ARP request for as outlined above). When the default gateway (router) receives the frame it will see that the MAC address matches it's own, so the frame must be for it. The router will un-encapsulate the data link frame and pass the data part up to the network layer. At the network layer, the router will see that the destination IP address (contained in the header of the IP packet) does not match it's own (remember, the IP address has not been touched at all in this process since your computer created the IP packet). The router will realise that this is a packet that is supposed to be routed. The router will look in it's routing table for the closest match to the destination IP in order to figure out which interface to send the packet out on. When a match is found, the router will create a new data link frame addressed to the next hop (and if the router doesn't know the hardware address for the next hop it will request it using the appropriate means for the technology in question). The data portion of this frame will contain the complete IP packet (where the destination IP address remains unchanged) and is sent out the appropriate interface. This process will continue at each router along the way until the information reaches a router connected to the destination network. It will see that the packet is addressed to a host that's on a directly connected network (the closest match you can get for an address, short of the packet being addressed to you). It will send out an ARP request for MAC address of the destination IP (assuming it doesn't already have it in it's table) and then address it to the destination's MAC address.
Now then, I did slightly gloss over 1 part in the above explanation and that's the part about the router finding out the hardware address for the next hop. I just didn't want to disturb the flow with entering into that there. How the router does this will depend on what type of connection (and in some cases, what protocol and/or encapsulation is used on the connection). In some cases, this will be a hard set value (like a frame relay pvc) within the configuration of the router. In some cases, you don't even need a hardware address (like any point to point connection, there's only 1 possible host you could send it to), in those cases the router will just create a data link frame appropriate for the connection and it won't even need to be addressed. This is why the OSI model is good. It's layered so that any layer can change and as long as it takes in information in a standard way (the way the layer above wants to send it) and spits out information in a standard way (the way the layer below wants to receive it), then it's all good. When Frame Relay came along nothing changed with the way you had to address IP packets, all of the changes took place at the data link and physical layers. If some new type of connection comes along in the future, only the data link and physical layers will likely change. When we go to IPv6, only the network layer should change (it probably won't but that's more to do with how the layers tend to blur, but if it were truly layered that would be the case).

Putting it all together

Anyways, since I feel like doing an example here's one showing the whole process. In the original post, I had used IP addresses from the 10.x.x.x range (which is a reserved range for private networks) with a subnet mask of This seemed to cause some confusion (both because of the misconception that the 10.x.x.x range is non-routable and because I was using a class C subnet mask for a class A network) both of these are valid and would work but I've decided to change this so that I'm using non-reserved (ie, real) IPs from class C networks. I figure that this will help reduce the confusion in this example, and I can clear up the rest in another article or 2. Needless to say then, if you want to try this on your own network, don't connect it to the internet! IP conflicts are just plain evil and can screw up lots of stuff. If you want to try this in a home lab that is connected to the internet then put the whole network behind some kind of a firewall and use the reserved IPs. Or, if you're lucky enough to have a block of real IPs, use them. The bottom line is don't use IPs that haven't been assigned to you on the internet.
Your computer has an address of, it's connected to the network (I'm assuming a subnet mask of, we'll call this network 1) which is an ethernet network. Your default gateway is a router (router a) which has an address of That router is connected to the network and the (network 2) network (the interface connected to the network will have an address of The network 2 is also an ethernet network. Also connected to network 2 is another router (router b) which has the address (for the interface connected to network 2 at least) of Router b is also connected to network 3 ( Router b's interface on network 3 has the address of Here's a (probably bad) ASCII diagram to illustrate:
         Router        Router
           a             b
Network 1    Network 2       Network 3
(   (      (
Now then, your computer (on network 1 with an address of wants to send some data to a computer on network 3 (with an address of We'll assume that none of the info in already cached in an ARP table on any of the machines or routers (a big assumption but it's mine to make!). Your computer will create an IP packet addressed to That packet will be sent to the data link layer where it needs a MAC address. Based on the subnet mask, your computer will know that the destination computer isn't on the same local network. So, your computer will send out an ARP request for the default gateway's MAC address (ie, what's the MAC for On receiving the MAC address, your computer will send out the IP packet (still addressed to encapsulated within a data link frame that is addressed to the MAC address of router a's interface on network 1 (because routers have more than 1 interface they can have more than 1 MAC address, in this case each router has 2 ethernet interface each with it's own unique MAC address). Router a will receive this frame and send the data portion up to the network layer (layer 3). At the network layer, router a will see that the packet (which is addressed to is not addressed to router a. Router a will look in it's routing table to find out where to send the packet. The routing table will show that network 3 (the closest match to is reachable via network 2. The routing table will also show the IP address for the next hop is Router a will send out an ARP request onto network 2 asking for router b's MAC address (well at least for the interface connected to network 2). On receiving this, router a will send the IP packet (still addressed to, nothing's changed here) encapsulated in a data link frame addressed to router b's MAC address. When router b receives this frame it will do the same thing that router a did, it will send the IP packet up to the network layer and see that the packet is not addressed to router b (the packet is still addressed to Router b will then look up in it's routing table for the closest match and see that it is directly connected to network 3, so there isn't a next hop router to send it to. Router b will send out an ARP request to learn the MAC address for When this is received, router b will send out the IP packet (again, this is still addressed to encapsulated within a data link frame that is addressed to the MAC address of the destination computer. The destination computer will see that the data link frame is addressed to it and will pass the IP packet to the network layer. At the network layer, the IP address will also match that of the computer and the data from the IP packet will be passed up to the transport layer. Each layer will examine the header and determine where to pass it up to until eventually, the data reaches the application running on the destination computer that has been waiting for the data.
What you'll notice through this whole process is that the IP address never changes. The IP packet is always addressed to However, at the data link layer, the address used changes at each hop (it's always addressed to the next hop). As you go up through the layers, you get more and more specific about where the data is supposed to be going. At the data link layer this is very vague, it's basically just, "here's who to pass it on to, they should know what to do with it". At the network layer you get more specific (this is the exact computer I want to send this to). Above that you get more specific (is it TCP or UDP?, what port?, etc)


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

CoS and DSCP marking and remarking options on Catalyst switches

By default Cisco Catalyst switch does not take into account any bit from the Layer 2 CoS or Layer 3 ToS field. Does it mean that packets will be transmited in the original for and CoS/ToS fiels will be untouched.
Once we enable quality of service (QoS) for the entire switch using:
SW(config)#mls qosQoS will be enabled with the default parameters on all ports in the system. What it means that switch by default will remark CoS and ToS values to default 0 (zero).
Once we enable trusting under interface then system will analyze CoS and ToS fields. We have two options; trusting CoS or ToS (DSCP). If you would learn more about the QoS language take a look onthis post.
Below you can find some examples and clarifications about sepcific options:
Trusting CoS
SW(config-if)#mls qos trust cos
  • Switch gets packet with CoS=5
  • Switch will pass through CoS value untouch, but DSCP will be rewritten based on the map table (by default CoS 5 will set DSCP to 46)
  • Conclustion: DSCP value is set based on the mls qos map cos-dscp
Trusting DSCP
SW(config-if)#mls qos trust dscp
  • Switch gets packet with CoS=4 and DSCP=46
  • Switch will pass through DSCP value untouch but CoS will be rewritten based on the map table (by default DSCP will rewrite CoS to 5 )
  • Conclusion: CoS value is set based on the mls qos map dscp-cos
Assigning CoS to port
SW(config-if)#mls qos cos 5
  • Switch gets packet on CoS untrusted port without QoS field, so it’s kind of untagged frame without 802.1p field(like in case of native VLAN)
  • Switch sets default CoS value that is assigned to the port, in this case CoS 5 (by default is 0). Marked value (CoS 5) later on is used to mark DSCP based on the mls qos map cos-dscp.
  • Conclusion: CoS value is set for all non capable 802.1p tag (layer 2 QoS field) frames
CoS overriding
SW(config-if)#mls qos cos 5
SW(config-if)#mls qos cos override
  • Switch gets tagged frame with CoS value of 4
  • Switch will tag frame with CoS value of 5 then it’s used to mark DSCP base on the mls qos map cos-dscp.
  • Conclusion: switch sets CoS for all frames even if they have CoS value already assigned to (base on the value in mls qos cos x)
Trusting DSCP just from Cisco IP Phone
SW(config-if)#mls qos trust dscp
SW(config-if)#mls qos trust device cisco-phone
  • Switch has Cisco IP Phone connected (phone’s visible over CDP) that sends frames with DSCP=46
  • Switch will pass through DSCP value untouch, CoS will be marked based on the mls qos map dscp-cos
  • Conclusion: trusting DSCP value only when a Cisco Phone is connected and reported via CDP on the respective interface; works in conjunction with the mls qos trust dscp and mls qos trust cos commands
Here you are QoS settings for not connected port (base on the above configuration):
SW#sh mls qos interface gi1/0/1
trust state: not trusted
trust mode: trust dscp
trust enabled flag: dis
COS override: dis
default COS: 0
DSCP Mutation Map: Default DSCP Mutation Map
Trust device: cisco-phone
qos mode: port-based
And here you are QoS settings output once we connected Cisco IP Phone to the port:
SW#sh mls qos interface gi1/0/1
trust state: trusted
trust mode: trust dscp
trust enabled flag: ena
COS override: dis
default COS: 0
DSCP Mutation Map: Default DSCP Mutation Map
Trust device: cisco-phone
qos mode: port-based

as you can notice enabled flag field has changed to ena (enabled) and trust state changed to trusted state, so port is ready to trust DSCP.
No DSCP/IPP to CoS rewriting (3550 only)
SW(config-if)#mls qos trust dscp pass-through cos
  • Switch gets packet with DSCP=46 and CoS=0
  • Switch will pass through DSCP and CoS value untouch, so DSCP=46 and CoS=0
  • Conclustion: switch does not remark CoS value
No CoS to DSCP rewrite (2960, 3560, 3750 only)
SW(config)#no mls qos rewrite ip dscp
SW#show mls qos
QoS is enabled
QoS ip packet dscp rewrite is disabled
  • Switch gets packet with DSCP=46
  • Switch will pass through DSCP value untouch
  • Conclustion: CoS will be trusted, DSCP will be preserved, switch does not modify DSCP value, leave it default as it is in the outgoing packet
Matching traffic with specific DSCP value in ACL (VLAN-Based)SW(config)#interface FastEthernet 1/1
SW(config-if)#switchport access vlan 100
SW(config-if)#switchport voice vlan 110
SW(config-if)#spanning-tree portfast
SW(config-if)#mls qos vlan-based
SW(config-if)#srr-queue bandwidth shape 10 0 0 0
SW(config-if)#srr-queue bandwidth share 10 30 40 20
SW(config-if)#queue-set 1
SW(config-if)#priority-queue out
SW(config-if)#ip access-list extended RTP
SW(config-ext-nacl)#permit udp any any range 16384 32767 dscp 46
SW(config-ext-nacl)#class-map match-any VOICE
SW(config-cmap)#match access-group name RTP
SW(config-cmap)#policy-map POLICY-VOICE
SW(config-cmap)#class VOICE
SW(config-pmap-c)#set dscp af31
SW(config-pmap-c)#interface vlan 110
SW(config-if)#service-policy input POLICY-VOICE
  • Switch gets packet with DSCP=46 and CoS=0
  • Switch will set DSCP to 26 and CoS value based the mls qos map dscp-cos map table
  • Conclustion: mls qos vlan-based overrides QoS interfaces level trusting seetings, port will not clear the CoS/DSCP field even that we don’t have trusting under policy, CoS/DSCP will be preserve and can be match by class-map
  • If you have more or better example please share with us under comments. Enjoy!

    IP Precedence DSCP and CoS relationships

    As part of studying the 642-642 QoS exam course is seems quite important to understand the relationship between the various ways of marking traffic. Below are some notes I’ve made so far about these relationships. This is note a post about the inner working of the various PHBs or their use.
    DSCP – Differentiated Services Code Point. This is a field that uses 6bits of the TOS field in an IP packet header.
    The four assured forwarding classes each include three drop probability classes. In general the higher the first number the better QoS treatment of the packet and the higher the second number the higher the probability the packet will be dropped during a period of congestion. A simple formula to remember the decimal value is AF(8*A)+(2*B). E.g. AF31 = (8*3)+(2*1 )= 26
    IP Precedence – This was used prior to the DSCP. It also uses bit from the TOS field found in IP Packet headers although only 3bits rather than the 6bits of DSCP.  These three Precedence bits overlap with the most significant bits of the DSCP.
    CoS – Class of service. A 3bit field defined under the 802.1p spec and only found in 802.1q tagged Ethernet frames (cisco ISL also supports CoS). Different from Precedence and DSCP as its a layer 2 marking and some networking equipment can only act on layer 2 CoS markings.
    A Table showing the relationship between IP Precedence and DSCP:
    Per Hop BehaviourDSCPDSCP (binary value)DSCP (decimal value)IP PrecedenceIP Precedence (binary)
    Default (no qos)BE00000000000

    Assured Forwarding
    Expedited ForwardingEF101110465101

    To enhance the backward compatibility with IP precedence DSCP has seven Class Selector PHBs. These all have zeros in the three least significant bits of the DSCP field. E.g. xxx000. The ideam being along the line that if a IP precedence marking router send a marked packet to a DSCP marking router it will have a measure of understanding.
    PHBDSCP (binary value)CoS
    Default (BE)0000000
    Class Selector 1 (CS1)0010001
    Class Selector 2 (CS2)0100002
    Class Selector 3 (CS3)0110003
    Class Selector 4 (CS4)1000004
    Class Selector 5 (CS5)1010005
    Class Selector 6 (CS6)1100006
    Class Selector 7 (CS7)1110007

    On Cisco kit these mapping can of course be customised and changed through the cli.
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