There are three most important keywords which we should have in mind
while setting up BGP neighbor relationship. Even sometimes when we have
successful BGP relationship, we are not able to see routes in the
routing table. Following are the three important keywords.
1)ebgp-multihop :- In EBGP, neighbor relationships are only formed if
we have directly connected networks. We would require to use
ebgp-multihop keyword with neighbor statement so that neighbors which
are not directly connected can form relationship with each other. We
need to specify a number with ebgp-multihop keyword, number can be
between 1-255. This number represents how many hop counts is the router
2)update-source. We need to specify the interface which will be used
to update neighbor table incase routers are not directly connected.
Without update-source we will not be able to form BGP neighbor
relationships. update-source keyword will update the interface which
will be used to form neighbor relationship. see configuration example
below for better understanding.
3) next-hop-self:- When ebgp relation replicates , next hop always
changes.IBGP routers only connected with other ibgp routers in same AS
will not be able to talk with routers outside the AS, if they are not
directly connected with each other. We would require a next-hop-self
keyword in the ibgp router which is directly connected with ebgp
neighbor so that other router in same AS (IBGP) can talk with ebgp
routers. Refer to configuration examples below:-
Lets assume that we have three routers and we have to setup a ebgp
relationship in between them. Router A ( AS :- 34 Serial0 ,
loopback0 , RouterB ( AS 34, loopback0 , Serial0 , Serial1, RouterC ( AS 400 , loopback0, Serial0
Lets start configuring Router A
router BGP 34 –> As soon as we type 34 BGP process will start in the background
neighbor remote-as 34 –> Bgp will know that this is IBGP looking at AS
Router B
router BGP 34
neighbor remote-as 34
neighbor remote-as 400 –> neighbor relationship with ebgp peer.
neighbor remote-as 400
neighbor ebgp-multihop 255 –> 255 is number of hops that
neighbor is away. we can use any number from 1-255, it can be more
specific by using 1 or 2 but my personal fav is 255 as it avoids
neighbor update-source loopback 0 –> Here is the idea, when
its sourcing the packets its sourcing it from serial interface, we need
to inform the otherside that source interface is not serial interface,
it is looback interface so that it cann match ip ip’s with the right
interface and form neighbor relationship.
we would require to do similar configuration on router c
router bgp 400
neighbor remote-as 34
neighbor remote-as 34
neighbor ebgp-multihop 255
neighbor update-source loopback 0
Now after forming the neighbro relationships we’ll use network
commands to add neighbors in routing table. Network command in BGP is
bit different then Network command in other routing protocols. we ‘ll
need to define mask keywork with network command in order to advertise
clasless network where as if it is using a default mask we can ignore
the same.
Router C
router bgp 400
neighbor mask
note:- i cannot use network command without mask keyword as
it will treat this as class B network. For any customised subnetting
scheme we ‘ll need to specify subnet mask with mask keyword in network
Even after configuring above, Router A will not be able to talk with
Router C. If we will use show ip bgp command on Router A. we’ll see that
it has a valid route for Router C but it will not be able to ping
router c. This is because next hop will be which is not directly
connected with Router A. . First thing which will come in our mind is
that rule of synchronisation has taken in to effect but even after
disabling synchronisation between router a and router B, Router C will
not be reachable. we would need a special command on Router B so that
all IBGP peers of AS 34 can talk with AS 400
To troubleshoot this we can use “debug ip bgp updates” but before
using this debug we should use ” clear ip bgp *” command. We’ll see that
it will show us that there is no valid path for networks in Router C.
Next hop should be Router B but in the updates it will show next hp as
router c. to avoid the we will use next-hop self keyword in Router B.
Router B
router bgp 34
neighbor next-hop-self
When Router B is sending an update to Router A it is sending the
update without changging its next hop so router A will receive next hop
as Router C which is not directly connected. To avoid this we will use
next-hop-self command in Router B so that router A should receve valid