Monday, February 21, 2011

CCIE part # 1

alias exec sr show ip route
alias exec s show ip interface brieft
it will act as a shortcut for show ip route command
it will act as a shortcut for show ip interface brief

line con 0
logg sync
no exec-timeout
logg sync is to advoid the console message to break up our configuration command in the middle cause it will appear as a new line with what we have type previously
no exec-t configured the console session to be no time out so it wont required relogin

reset router password
when bootup router
press ctrl+break
rommon > confreg 0x2142
the router will restart and ignore the previous save config
router#copy startup-config running-config
router(config)#enable secret cisco
router(config)#config-register 0x2102
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