Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What is the difference between an IP base image and an IP services image

The IP base is for the Standard Multilayer Software Image (SMI) switches, and the IP services image is for the Enhanced Standard Multilayer Software Image (EMI) switches in Cisco IOS  Software Release 12.2(25)SEB and later.

For the Catalyst 3750 and 3560 switches, Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2(25)SEA and earlier referred to the image that provides Layer 2+ (L2) features and basic Layer 3 routing as the Standard Multilayer Image (SMI). The image that provides full Layer 3 routing and advanced services was referred to as the EMI.

The inter VLAN routing feature is supported on both IP base or SMI and IP services or EMI image Layer 3 switches. For Layer 2-only switches, you require a Layer 3 routing device with any of the previous images.

The IP Base feature set includes advanced quality of service (QoS), rate limiting, access control lists (ACLs), and basic static and Routing Information Protocol (RIP) functions. Dynamic IP routing protocols (Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), BGPv4, Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP)) are available only on the IP services image.

The IP Services image provides a richer set of enterprise-class features, which includes advanced hardware-based IP unicast and IP Multicast routing. Support for IPv6 Layer 3 switching in hardware is also available with the addition of the Advanced IP Services license to either the IP Base or the IP Services images. Both the IP base Image and the IP services image allow for Layer 3 and Layer 4 lookups for QoS and security.

Stateful vs. Stateless Firewalls

Stateful vs. Stateless Firewalls

A firewall can be described as being either Stateful, or Stateless.


Stateless firewalls watch network traffic, and restrict or block packets based on source and destination addresses or other static values. They are not 'aware' of traffic patterns or data flows. A stateless firewall uses simple rule-sets that do not account for the possibility that a packet might be received by the firewall 'pretending' to be something you asked for.


Stateful firewalls can watch traffic streams from end to end. They are are aware of communication paths and can implement various IP Security (IPsec) functions such as tunnels and encryption. In technical terms, this means that stateful firewalls can tell what stage a TCP connection is in (open, open sent, synchronized, synchronization acknowledge or established), it can tell if the MTU has changed, whether packets have fragmented etc.
Neither is really superior and there are good arguments for both types of firewalls. Stateless firewalls are typically faster and perform better under heavier traffic loads. Stateful firewalls are better at identifying unauthorized and forged communications.

Configuring Network Address Translation

ip nat inside source
Translates the source of IP packets that are traveling inside to outside.
Translates the destination of the IP packets that are traveling outside to inside.

ip nat outside source
Translates the source of the IP packets that are traveling outside to inside.
Translates the destination of the IP packets that are traveling inside to outside.


Is 5 GHz Wireless Network Hardware Better than 2.4 GHz

Question: Is 5 GHz Wireless Network Hardware Better than 2.4 GHz?
Wireless computer network equipment typically uses radio signals in either a 2.4 GHz range or a 5 GHz range. These numbers are advertised prominently on product packaging, but their meaning is often misunderstood. Is 5 GHz network hardware better than 2.4 GHz hardware just because it carries a bigger number?
Answer: No. 5 GHz hardware offers a few advantages over 2.4 GHz hardware, but in practice, 2.4 GHz is usually the better choice for home and other wireless local networks.
GHz and Network Speed
The GHz range of a wireless radio only partially relates to the speed of a wireless network. For example, 802.11a Wi-Fi hardware runs at 5 GHz but supports the same maximum data rate of 54 Mbps as standard 802.11g network that run at 2.4 GHz.
A 5 GHz network can carry more data than a 2.4 GHz network assuming the electric power to the higher frequency radios is maintained at a higher level. However, some 802.11g network products match and even exceed this potential speed advantage of 5 GHz 802.11a by utilizing a pair of radios instead of one, increasing capacity up to 108 Mbps under the right conditions.
Advantage: Both

GHz and Network Range
The higher the frequency of a wireless signal, the shorter its range. Thus, 2.4 GHz networks cover a substantially larger range than 5 GHz wireless networks. In particular, the higher frequency wireless signals of 5 GHz networks do not penetrate solid objects nearly as well as do 2.4 GHz signals, limiting their reach inside homes.
Advantage: 2.4 GHz.

GHz and Network Interference
You may notice your cordless phone, automatic garage door opener, or other home appliance also advertises 2.4 GHz signals on its packaging. Because this frequency range is commonly used in consumer products, it's more likely a 2.4 GHz home network will pick up interference from appliances than will a 5 GHz home network.
Advantage: 5 GHz

GHz and Cost
Some people mistakenly believe 5 GHz network technology is newer or somehow more innovative than 2.4 GHz. In fact, both types of signaling have existed for many years and are both proven technologies.
802.11g Wi-Fi products that run at 2.4 GHz tend to cost less than 802.11a Wi-Fi products not because 802.11g is obsolete or less capable, but because 802.11g is much more popular and thus economical for manufacturers to support.
Advantage: 2.4 GHz

5 GHz vs 2.4 GHz - The Bottom Line
5 GHz and 2.4 GHz are different wireless signaling frequencies that each have advantages for computer networking. Higher frequency networks are not necessarily superior to lower frequency ones, however. So-called dual band hardware combines the best of both types of hardware by integrating both types of radios into the product.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Passive-interface command behavior in RIP, EIGRP & OSPF

Passive-interface command behavior in RIP, EIGRP & OSPF

from http://networkers-online.com/blog/2008/08/how-to-avoid-dns-lookup-when-mistyping-a-command/
Passive-interface command is used in all routing protocols to disable sending updates out from a specific interface. However the command behavior varies from o­ne protocol to another.
In RIP this command will disable sending multicast updates via a specific interface but will allow listening to incoming updates from other RIP speaking neighbors.
This simply means that the router will still be able to receive updates o­n that passive interface and use them in the routing table.
In EIGRP the passive-interface command stops sending outgoing hello packets, hence the router can not form any neighbor relationship via the passive interface. This behavior stops both outgoing and incoming routing updates.
In OSPF the passive-interface has a similar behavior to EIGRP. The command suppresses hello packets and hence neighbor relationships.
I have o­nly o­ne final note here regarding sending unicast updates:
If you used the neighbor command under the RIP process, the router will send unicast updates as well as multicast updates.The passive-interface command must be used disable multicast updates and allowing o­nly unicast.
In EIGRP the neighbor command disables multicast updates o­n an interface by default and allows o­nly unicast updates.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


   过位于香港红的黄埔船坞,我又幻想该处成为住宅区后会价值多少?1976年起,船坞地皮开始重新发展,先后建成私人住宅黄埔新村和黄埔花园。1985年初,盖在船坞原址上的黄埔花园,从一开始的预售价格不足每平方米7 000元人民币,发展到今天每平方米的售价已升至40 000元人民币以上。
  不要只是许愿(wish)与空想(hope),而要让事情发生(make it happen)。俗话说:”君子立志长,小人常立志。”不少人常常立志,差不多每年春天都立志,但到每年秋天都忘了。这其实不是立志,只是许愿与空想。年轻人通常想得太多,做得太少。大多数人天天做梦,今天想当歌星,明天想当医生,后天又想着发达,结果一事无成。  
   美国巨富盖茨(Bill Gates)一生只专注做好一件事。1976年一家叫微软(Microsoft)的公司从MITS计算机公司分拆出来;1979年,当时年仅21岁的盖茨专注研究和开发计算机软件,废寝忘食到无法在哈佛大学完成学业。他正好赶上IBM巨型计算机被个人计算机(PC)取代的时期,一开始便坐上微软首席执行官(CEO)之位。1986年微软成功上市。   
   1999年是微软的高峰期,盖茨手上的股份当时市值1 000亿美元。虽然2000年科技股泡沫爆破,微软开始走下坡,但相关股份现值仍高达600亿美元。  
   敢想 敢做
  一个人一辈子投资的成败,主要取决于性格。如适当运用”7C”理论,订立目标,便可以用一辈子有限的时间去赚取无限的财富。没有人永远选股正确,只要发现选股错误,果断地止损便可。记住小败小负没问题,只要在大趋势中胜出便可(Lose in the battle, win in the war)。  

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

CUCM Extension Mobility

Extension Mobility Configuration Elements
Configuration Element Name
Configuration Element Function

 Stores the configuration of physical phones. Configuration parameters include device-specific phone parameters (such as device CSS, location, or MRGL), user-specific phone parameters(such as user MOH audio source, DND, or softkey template), and (user-specific) button configuration (such as lines or speed dials).

End User
 The end user is associated with one or more device profiles. The User ID and the PIN are used to log in to a phone with Extension Mobility.

Device profile
 Stores user-specific phone configuration in logical profiles. Configuration parameters include user-specific phone and button parameters (such as lines and speed dials). The parameters of the device profile are applied to a physical phone after a user logs in to the phone using Extension Mobility.

Phone service
 Extension Mobility is implemented as a phone service. Hardware phones and device profiles have to be subscribed to the service.

Default device profile
 Stores the default device configuration parameters that should be applied when the phone model of a user’s device profile is different from the phone model of the phone where the user logs in.

Relationship Between Extension Mobility Configuration Elements

1. The user presses the Services button on the phone and chooses the Extension Mobility service from the list of phone services available at the phone.

2. The Extension Mobility service requires the user to log in using his or her user ID and PIN. The user enters the required data on the phone by pressing each phone button as many times as needed to select the alphanumeric characters for his or her user ID and PIN.

3. If the entered user ID and PIN are correct, Extension Mobility chooses the device profile that is associated with the user.
NOTE If a user is associated with more than one device profile, all associated profiles are displayed, and the user has to choose the desired profile, as illustrated for User2 in Figure 12-3. Assigning multiple profiles to a user means that the user is provided with a separate device profile for each site. Doing this is common when the traditional approach is used to implement Calling Search Spaces (CSS). Extension Mobility updates only the line configuration, including the line CSS, but not the device CSS. To allow the choice of a local gateway for outbound PSTN calls, a different line CSS has to be applied for each site. In such a scenario, the user chooses a site-specific device profile that differs from the device profile that is used at other sites in its line CSS. The line CSS of such site-specific profiles gives access to route patterns that route PSTN calls to the appropri-ate local gateway to minimize toll charges. Extension Mobility also works well if the more modern approach of gateway selection of PSTN at the device (phone) level and blocking the CSS at the line level is implemented.

4. CUCM updates the phone configuration with the settings of the chosen device profile.
User-specific device-level parameters, lines, and other phone buttons are updated with user-specific settings.

5. The IP Phone is reset and loads the updated configuration.

Extension Mobility Solution to Phone Model Differences
After successful authentication, if the phone model of the device profile does not match the phone model of the actually used phone, the following happens:

1. Device-dependent parameters such as the phone button template and softkey template from the default device profile are applied to the phone.
NOTE If the phone button template that is configured in the user's device profile matches the number of buttons on the login device, the system uses the phone button template from the user's device profile. Otherwise, the system uses the phone's default device profile for phone button configuration.

2. The system copies all device-independent configuration settings, such as user hold audio source, user locale, speed dials, and line configuration, from the device profile to the login device. Exceptions are the parameters specified under line settings for this device.

3. The applicable device-dependent parameters of the user's device profile are applied. These parameters include buttons (such as line and feature buttons) based on the phone button template that has been applied from the default device profile.

4. If supported on the login device, phone service subscriptions from the user's device profile are applied to the phone. 

5. If the user's device profile does not have phone services configured, the system uses the phone services that are configured in the default device profile of the login device.   
EM Configuration
Step 1 Activate the Cisco Extension Mobility service in CUCM for the cluster.
Step 2 Set Cisco Extension Mobility service parameters.
Step 3 Add the Cisco Extension Mobility phone service.
Step 4 Create default device profiles for all phone models used.
Step 5 Create device profiles, and subscribe them to the Cisco Extension Mobility phone service.
Step 6 Create end users, and associate them with device profiles.
Step 7 Enable Extension Mobility for phones, and subscribe the phones to the Cisco Extension Mobility service.
CIPT2 v6.0 Chap12 Implementing Extension Mobility

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The difference between redistribute connected and redistribute connected subnets

The difference between redistribute connected and redistribute connected subnets
router ospf 1
redistribute connected
R3(config-router)#do sho ip route os is subnetted, 1 subnets
O [110/65] via, 00:00:02, Serial1/0.34
==== now lets try redistribute connected subnets ====
router ospf 1
redistribute connected subnets
R3(config-router)#do sho ip route os is variably subnetted, 5 subnets, 2 masks
O [110/65] via, 00:00:12, Serial1/0.34
O E2 [110/20] via, 00:00:03, Serial1/0.34
O E2 [110/20] via, 00:00:03, Serial1/0.34
O E2 [110/20] via, 00:00:03, Serial1/0.34
O E2 [110/20] via, 00:00:03, Serial1/0.34

Cisco OSPF Design Guide

Cisco Documentation

OSPF area types

OSPF area types

Advancing from last week's discussion on OSPF network types, today's topic is a source of considerable confusion for many people new to OSPF: area types. Recall that a large OSPF domain is typically broken into separate areas to restrict the propagation of routes and reduce the amount of resources required by each router to maintain its link state database. Each area is connected to a central backbone, area zero.
OSPF relies on several types of Link State Advertisements (LSAs) to communicate link state information between neighbors. A brief review of the most applicable LSA types:
  • Type 1 - Represents a router
  • Type 2 - Represents the pseudonode (designated router) for a multiaccess link
  • Type 3 - A network link summary (internal route)
  • Type 4 - Represents an ASBR
  • Type 5 - A route external to the OSPF domain
  • Type 7 - Used in stub areas in place of a type 5 LSA
LSA types 1 and 2 are found in all areas, and are never flooded outside of an area. Whether the other types of LSAs are advertised within an area depends on the area type, and there are many:
  • Backbone area (area 0)
  • Standard area
  • Stub area
  • Totally stubby area
  • Not-so-stubby area (NSSA)
Let's begin by examining a standard area. Note that the backbone area is essentially a standard area which has been designated as the central point to which all other areas connect, so a discussion of standard area behavior largely applies to the backbone area as well.

Standard Areas

In the example above, router 2 acts as the area border router (ABR) between a standard area and the backbone. R3 is redistributing routes from an external domain, and is therefore designated as an autonomous system boundary router (ASBR).
As mentioned, type 1 and 2 LSAs are being flooded between routers sharing a common area. This applies to all area types, as these LSAs are used to build an area's shortest-path tree, and consequently only relevant to a single area. Type 3 and 5 LSAs, which describe internal and external IP routes, respectively, are flooded throughout the backbone and all standard areas. External routes are generated by an ASBR, while internal routes can be generated by any OSPF router.
Note the peculiar case of type 4 LSAs. These LSAs are injected into the backbone by the ABR of an area which contains an ASBR. This is to ensure all other routers in the OSPF domain can reach the ASBR.
Standard areas work fine and ensure optimal routing since all routers know about all routes. However, there are often situations when an area has limited access to the rest of the network, and maintaining a full link state database is unnecessary. Additionally, an area may contain low-end routers incapable of maintaining a full database for a large OSPF network. Such areas can be configured to block certain LSA types and become lightweight stub areas.

Stub Areas

In this next example, R2 and R3 share a common stub area. Instead of propagating external routes (type 5 LSAs) into the area, the ABR injects a type 3 LSA containing a default route into the stub area. This ensures that routers in the stub area will be able to route traffic to external destinations without having to maintain all of the individual external routes. Because external routes are not received by the stub area, ABRs also do not forward type 4 LSAs from other areas into the stub.
For an area to become a stub, all routers belonging to it must be configured to operate as such. Stub routers and non-stub routers will not form adjacencies.
Router(config-router)# area 10 stub
This idea of substituting a single default route for many specific routes can be applied to internal routes as well, which is the case of totally stubby areas.

Totally Stubby Areas

Like stub areas, totally stubby areas do not receive type 4 or 5 LSAs from their ABRs. However, they also do not receive type 3 LSAs; all routing out of the area relies on the single default route injected by the ABR.
A stub area is extended to a totally stubby area by configuring all of its ABRs with the no-summary parameter:
Router(config-router)# area 10 stub no-summary
Stub and totally stubby areas can certainly be convenient to reduce the resource utilization of routers in portions of the network not requiring full routing knowledge. However, neither type can contain an ASBR, as type 4 and 5 LSAs are not permitted inside the area. To solve this problem, and in what is arguably the worst naming decision ever made, Cisco introduced the concept of a not-so-stubby area (NSSA).

Not-so-stubby Areas

An NSSA makes use of type 7 LSAs, which are essentially type 5 LSAs in disguise. This allows an ASBR to advertise external links to an ABR, which converts the type 7 LSAs into type 5 before flooding them to the rest of the OSPF domain.
An NSSA can function as either a stub or totally stubby area. To designate a normal (stub) NSSA, all routers in the area must be so configured:
Router(config-router)# area 10 nssa
Type 3 LSAs will pass into and out of the area. Unlike a normal stub area, the ABR will not inject a default route into an NSSA unless explicitly configured to do so. As traffic cannot be routed to external destinations without a default route, you'll probably want to include one by appending default-information-originate (thanks to Adam for pointing this out).
Router(config-router)# area 10 nssa default-information-originate
To expand an NSSA to function as a totally stubby area, eliminating type 3 LSAs, all of its ABRs must be configured with the no-summary parameter:
Router(config-router)# area 10 nssa no-summary
The ABR of a totally stubby NSSA (or not-so-totally-stubby area, if you prefer) injects a default route without any further configuration.


  • Standard areas can contain LSAs of type 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, and may contain an ASBR. The backbone is considered a standard area.
  • Stub areas can contain type 1, 2, and 3 LSAs. A default route is substituted for external routes.
  • Totally stubby areas can only contain type 1 and 2 LSAs, and a single type 3 LSA. The type 3 LSA describes a default route, substituted for all external and inter-area routes.
  • Not-so-stubby areas implement stub or totally stubby functionality yet contain an ASBR. Type 7 LSAs generated by the ASBR are converted to type 5 by ABRs to be flooded to the rest of the OSPF domain.

OSPF network types

OSPF network types

Having worked almost exclusively with Ethernet transport my whole career, it took me a while to really grasp the concept of non-broadcast networks. Dynamic routing protocols, particularly OSPF, demand familiarity with all sorts of layer two topologies, so I knew I had to better educate myself on the matter. Fortunately, working with Dynamips and virtual frame relay networks provided the experience I needed to feel comfortable implementing all the different OSPF network types.
OSPF addresses three classes of network (as listed in section 1.2 of RFC 2328): point-to-point, broadcast, and non-broadcast.


This is by far the simplest network type, and serves as a convenient anchor from which to advance the discussion. A point-to-point network is, as its name aptly describes, a link between exactly two points (or routers). A packet sent from on of the routers will always have exactly one recipient on the local link.


Obviously, point-to-point links don't scale well. A much more efficient manner of connecting a large number of devices is to implement a multiaccess segment; that is, a segment which can be accessed by multiple end points. An Ethernet segment is an example of such a network.
Ethernet networks support broadcasts; a single packet transmitted by a device can be multiplied by the medium (in this case an Ethernet switch) so that every other end point receives a copy. This is advantageous not only in bandwidth savings, but also in facilitating automatic neighbor discovery.
In the example pictured above, R1 can multicast (a broadcast intended only for certain recipients) an OSPF hello message to the link, knowing that all other OSPF routers connected to the link will receive it and reply with their own multicast message. Consequently, neighbors can quickly identify each other and form adjacencies without knowing addresses beforehand. Isn't that convenient?
OSPF routers on a multiaccess segment will elect a designated router (DR) and backup designated router (BDR) with which all non-designated routers will form an adjacency. This is to ensure that the number of adjacencies maintained does not grow too large; a network of five routers would require 20 adjacencies to form a mesh, but only 7 when a DR and BDR are in place.


Unfortunately, not all multiaccess technologies support broadcast transmissions. Frame relay and ATM are probably the most common examples of non-broadcast transport, requiring individual permanent virtual circuits (PVCs) to be configured between end points.
Notice in the frame relay topology pictured above, R1 must craft and transmit an individual packet for every destination he wants to reach. Aside from being horribly inefficient with regard to bandwidth, this limitation requires the router to know the addresses of his neighbors before he can communicate to them.
OSPF can operate in one of two modes across a non-broadcast network: non-broadcast multi-access (NBMA) or point-to-multipoint. Each of these topologies tackles the absence of broadcast capability from a different direction.

Non-Broadcast Multi-Access (NBMA)

An NBMA segment emulates the function of a broadcast network. Every router on the segment must be configured with the IP address of each of its neighbors. OSPF hello packets are then individually transmitted as unicast packets to each adjacent neighbor.
As in a true broadcast network, a DR and BDR are elected to limit the number of adjacencies formed.


A point-to-multipoint configuration approaches the non-broadcast limitation in a different manner. Rather than trying to emulate broadcast capability, it seeks to organize the PVCs into a collection of point-to-point networks. Hello packets must still be replicated and transmitted individually to each neighbor, but the multipoint approach offers two distinct advantages: no DR/BDR is needed, and the emulated point-to-point links can occupy a common subnet.
All routers attached to a non-broadcast network must be manually configured to recognize it as a point-to-multipoint segment:
Router(config-if)# ip ospf network point-to-multipoint [non-broadcast]
The non-broadcast parameter can be appended to the OSPF network type to force unicasting of packets rather than relying on multicast. This might be necessary when dynamic circuits are in use.
Update: Ready for more? Check out the follow-up article on OSPF area types!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

李财有方: 致富三部曲

李财有方: 致富三部曲

2010/03/08 3:31:09 PM

























投机不能令人致富;致富需要的是投资不是投机。只有 “胆大心细”的人,才有资格作出投资;只有作出投资,我们才有成功致富的机会。














Friday, April 1, 2011


2011/03/25 5:51:40 PM
个人融资(Personal Financing)就是借款给个人,而不是借给企业。
贷款给公务员,做得最成功的,是人民银行(Bank Rakyat),人民银行是由合作社联合创设的银行,十数年来,盈利年年飙升,根据报道,该银行去年赚17亿令吉,主要的盈利来源,就是贷款给公务员。

Portfolio 2011 - April Q2

1/4/2011 Q2 KLSE 收在 1555点 +10.25

1/4/2011 持有股票
CIMB 1023
FAJAR 7047


日前日本地震海啸,利比亚, 导致油价飙升。股市在日本地震后的一个礼拜一直向下探险。。。
虽然那时价钱就好像megasales一样。。。但答应过自己q1 不可以再买了。
在q2里还是继续 买入 4308, 7047,G13, 1023,5176.
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