Wednesday, October 23, 2013



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5)hwangdbs 提供的research report

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3)bloomberg ios version


Friday, October 11, 2013

我要成为一个有钱的 engineer

1. 每个人肯定会有他自己的一个特殊强项, core competency。
同时,joye 兄可能误解了我的意思。。。
要分散投资,或者拥有多项 asset category,
不代表你每项 asset category 都是要很特出或者一样强才能去做的。





合伙经营生意行不通吗?很多人还是回到同一个 pattern。。。合伙,会有很多麻烦,信不过别人。


2. 先有了成功者的精神,才会有成绩;还是等有了成绩,才会有成功者的精神?

四大领域里。。。Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual
精神,Spirit。。。落在 Spiritual 的级别里。
一个人的 Spirit,和他设给自己的 identity,有很密切的关系。

而主导我们行动的次序,往往是从 Spiritual -> Emotional -> Mental -> Physical 的次序往下降低。

举个例子,我们看到很多人拥有投资的产业,这是 physical results。
他们上过产业投资课程,明白了当中的程序和要诀,这些是知识或资讯,是归在 mental 的领域。
恐惧,fear。。。是归在 Emotional 的领域里。

又或者,他们并不恐惧失败和风险,只是偏偏这个策略和自己的 identity 有很多无谓的价值冲突,
比方说。。。他潜意识里,他是不想做一个拥有负债的人。。。这是一种 identity。
而他自己又想要做个好人或者“有实际贡献”的人。。。这也是一种 identity。
而他很想做一个踏实的人,这也是一种 identity。
只要这些 identity 依然存在,不管他学过多少工具,懂多少东西,他多数都是做不出成绩的。

(很多人去上 PLC,或者去上 MMI,还是 Anthony Robbins 的课程。。。
他们以为,他们是主要去拿 info 和工具,加强他们的知识和 mental 的。
上了课之后好像没有拿到 info,或者认为 info 都是老调重提,就在那里扮受害者呱呱叫。 
其实,在这些课程当中,info 和工具是最不值钱的。。。辅助 shape 我们的 identity,
还有一个对 emotions 有正面能量的环境,才是重点。
Mental 的 info 和工具知识,只是附加的价值。
相信最近大家应该也开始深深体会到,info 和工具。。。
是多么的不值钱了,因为计划赶不上变化,info 和工具。。。很快就会过时了。
今天你在课程或哪里拿到一个最新 info,下午人家传出去时,明天就已经不值钱了。)

但他在这种情况之下依然设给自己一个成功者的 identity。。。

a. 股神巴菲特明明还是一个20岁出头没有钱的黄毛小子,却胆粗粗地向有钱人开班授课教投资,
因为他一开始就设定了给自己“我是一个成功投资者”的 identity。
试想看,一开始就给自己这样烂的一个 identity - "我是个股票新手,看来要先亏过钱才能赚钱",
他的 results 很大可能也是之后没多久就亏大钱的。。。之后能不能赚钱就很难说。)

b. 马云创业初期时,他对网络 internet 懂个屁?资金又没有,团队人才也没有。
但是,你看他初期向多个伙伴、团队和投资者 proposed 集资时,
他的 language 和姿态,是一个怎么样的 identity?

c. Bill gates 和 Mark Zuckerberg 在还未成名前,
他们也一样设了成功者的 identity 给自己。

他那个期间时的股票和产业分享中,他是给了自己一个怎么样的 identity?
虽然很多人可能会不满他高调的方式。。。但他在那时确实也是设了一个成功者的 identity 给自己,

我并不是认同他们高调的方式。成功的 identity,不一定是要高调。但是我们必须要先拥有一个成功的 identity。
这里也不是说我们必须要骗自己那样给自己一个 identity。
只是,如果我们无法创造和接受这样的 identity,我们几乎是很难成功的。
我想指出的重点是。。。这些人很多时候,他们在还未有 physical results 前,
他们就已经处于或拥有那样的 identity 了。
而不是等他们有了 physical 的 results,他们内心的 identity 才成型的。

我不懂鱼大在年轻时设了些什么样的股票 identity 给自己,
不过我记得他有分享过。。。他是不想做一个没有钱的 engineer。
反过来说,即使他选择留下做 engineer。。。
他一开始也是设了一个“我要成为一个有钱的 engineer ” 的 identity 给自己。
(注:他没有说过,我要做一个很出色的 engineer 哦  

不懂大家又有没有想过,自己设了一个怎么样的 identity 给自己?
或者自己舒适于哪一种 identity 呢?

至于GUH 和 NESTLE 的说法。。。我认为那是扯得太远,断章取义了。

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Synchronize a Cisco router's clock with Network Time Protocol (NTP)

It's critical that all devices on an organization's network display the accurate time and date. If they don't, things can go wrong in a hurry. David Davis explains why Cisco devices need to use Network Time Protocol (NTP) for their time synchronization needs, and he tells you how to configure NTP on your Cisco devices. 
Whether you're working with a server, router, switch, firewall, or PC, it's imperative that all devices on your organization's network exhibit the correct time and date. If this critical information isn't accurate, a variety of things can go wrong.
That means event logs and firewall logs can be incorrect, you might not be able to tell when your router rebooted, and/or Windows devices may not be able to log in to the domain. The fact that Microsoft has integrated the Windows Time Service into its products only underscores the importance of proper time synchronization.
Cisco routers have embraced the Network Time Protocol (NTP), a protocol designed to synchronize the clocks of computers over a network, for many years. NTP Version 3 is a standard—formalized in RFC 1305—that uses the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and port 123.
Unlike PCs or servers, Cisco network devices specifically need to run NTP to synchronize the time and date. That's because most Cisco devices don't have an internal clock.
For example, when a Cisco 2600 or 3600 series router loses power or the network administrator needs to reload it, the time and date are lost. Consequently, all log files, time-based access lists, or any other configuration based on time or date will either be incorrect or not work at all.
An NTP client synchronizes the time and date with an NTP server. The NTP server should be a reliable source, such as a time server on the Internet. A number of free public Internet time servers are available.
One example is the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Internet Time Service, which bases its time on an atomic clock. The NIST Web site also provides a list of the publicly available NIST Internet Time Servers on the Internet. In fact, you'll even find Microsoft on this list. The software giant runs its own free Internet time server— with an IP address of
Known as stratum-1 time servers, these public Internet time servers obtain their time directly from a stratum-0 device, a reference clock that can't be an NTP server on the network (such as an atomic clock). The greater the stratum of the server, the greater the distance between that server and the reliable time source.
To ensure that your network devices display the most accurate time, you need to configure the NTP protocol and link your devices to a reliable time source. To do so, you have a couple of options.
You could purchase a hardware time device that obtains the time via GPS or some other method. In effect, you're essentially creating your own stratum-1 time server. However, for most small to midsize companies, a better alternative is to opt for a free Internet time server.
In my organization, we use UNIX scripts that depend on the proper router date. We receive a morning e-mail that lists all router events that occurred the previous day. The scripts go to each router and use a command similar to show logging | include May 16 to gather the date, combine it in a file, and e-mail it to all network administrators.
So, when a router reboots, if no one has configured NTP, then the command will find no data from that router. Nor is the command likely to ever retrieve data again because the router reverts back to its default date of February or March 1993.
Because of such possibilities, it's easy to see why it's imperative to configure NTP on your routers and switches. Configuring NTP on a Cisco IOS device is a relatively easy process.
Follow these steps:
  1. Choose the NTP server your devices will use.
  2. Find out the IP address for this server. It could be an external source such as NIST, or it could be an internal device that offers NTP services (such as a hardware device or software server from Symmetricom).
  3. Enter the following commands on the IOS device:
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# ntp server <IP address of NTP Server>
  1. Verify the association with the server using the show ntp status and show ntp associationscommands. Listing A offers an example of the output of these commands.
Before you get started, I'd like to point out a couple of things to keep in mind:
  • NTP is a slow protocol, and the formation of NTP associations can take a long time. So, don't expect anything to happen fast. You can keep an eye on it using the debug ntp <option> set of commands.
  • If you decide to use an Internet NTP server, make sure you open UDP port 123 inbound on your firewall to your NTP client.
For more information, as well as detailed instructions for the options you can enable with NTP, check out Cisco's "Configuring NTP" documentation.
Want to learn more about router and switch management? Automatically sign up for our free Cisco Routers and Switches newsletter, delivered each Friday!
David Davis has worked in the IT industry for 12 years and holds several certifications, including CCIE, MCSE+I, CISSP, CCNA, CCDA, and CCNP. He currently manages a group of systems/network administrators for a privately owned retail company and performs networking/systems consulting on a part-time basis.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

2013 投资记录 和 2014 的新目标

过一过今年的目标,我想还好,如无意外 可以完成。
 2013 年底投资要有100k , 现金要有20k.
目前投资有86k, 现金有2k.
剩下两个月多 加油,我行的。

2014年新目标。 2014年12月31日
投资要有200k , 现金要有30k.
每个月要有至少5k 的现金来投资或存下来。
5x12=60k 100k+60k=160k
还有40k 会自己进来的啦~
努力让自己每个月买进 DLADY , THBEV, NESTLE 吧。

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Understanding Spanning-Tree Root-Port Election

The STP Root Por selections follows the following sequence of FOUR conditions:

1. Lower Root Bridge ID
2. Lower Path Cost to the Root bridge.
3. Lower sending Bridge ID
4. Lower Sending Port ID
The root path cost on both fa0/1 and fa0/2 (SW4) is the same
First before looking the port-ID ,SW4 looks the BID of SW2 and SW3 (the neighbors swiches of SW4),SW2 has (advertises) a better BID than SW3 ,The BID= priority+mac address, here since the priority of SW2 and SW3 is the same=32769 , the mac address wil be used ,the mac address of SW2(0010.11BA.32CB) is lower than the mac address of SW3 (0060.7011.98C3) thus fa0/2 receives a better BID of BPDUs so fa0/2 will the root port:

SW2#show spanning-tree
Spanning tree enabled protocol rstp
Root ID Priority 4097
Address 000A.F3CC.3EA1
Cost 19
Port 1(FastEthernet0/1)
Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec

Bridge ID Priority 32769 (priority 32768 sys-id-ext 1)
Address 0010.11BA.32CB
Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec
Aging Time 20

Interface        Role Sts Cost      Prio.Nbr Type
---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- --------------------------------
Fa0/2            Desg FWD 19        128.2    P2p
Fa0/1            Root FWD 19        128.1    P2p

SW3#show spanning-tree
Spanning tree enabled protocol rstp
Root ID Priority 4097
Address 000A.F3CC.3EA1
Cost 19
Port 2(FastEthernet0/2)
Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec

Bridge ID Priority 32769 (priority 32768 sys-id-ext 1)
Address 0060.7011.98C3
Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec
Aging Time 20

Interface        Role Sts Cost      Prio.Nbr Type
---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- --------------------------------
Fa0/2            Root FWD 19        128.2    P2p
Fa0/1            Desg FWD 19        128.1    P2p

Now let's configure the BID of SW3 to be better than the BID of SW2:

SW3(config)#spanning-tree vlan 1 priority 8192

Now the BID of SW3 is 8193:0060.7011.98C3 as shown by the show spann of SW3 below and the BID of SW2 is 32769:0010.11BA.32CB ,so fa0/1 receives a better BID from SW3 thus fa0/1 is the root port for SW4 as shown by the show spann on SW4 below:

SW3(config)#do show spann
Spanning tree enabled protocol rstp
Root ID Priority 4097
Address 000A.F3CC.3EA1
Cost 19
Port 2(FastEthernet0/2)
Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec

Bridge ID Priority 8193 (priority 8192 sys-id-ext 1)
Address 0060.7011.98C3
Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec
Aging Time 20

Interface        Role Sts Cost      Prio.Nbr Type
---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- --------------------------------
Fa0/2            Root FWD 19        128.2    P2p
Fa0/1            Desg FWD 19        128.1    P2p

SW4#show spanning-tree
Spanning tree enabled protocol rstp
Root ID Priority 4097
Address 000A.F3CC.3EA1
Cost 38
Port 1(FastEthernet0/1)
Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec

Bridge ID Priority 32769 (priority 32768 sys-id-ext 1)
Address 0060.2F98.0E5A
Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec
Aging Time 20

Interface        Role Sts Cost      Prio.Nbr Type
---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- --------------------------------
Fa0/2            Altn FWD 19        128.2    P2p
Fa0/1            Root FWD 19        128.1    P2p

case2.pngSW1 is the root bridge,Remember all ports of a root bridge are a designated ports not a Root Ports as shown by the following output:

SW1(config)#do show spa
  Spanning tree enabled protocol rstp
  Root ID    Priority    24577
             Address     0006.2A94.4A8D
             This bridge is the root
             Hello Time  2 sec  Max Age 20 sec  Forward Delay 15 sec

  Bridge ID  Priority    24577  (priority 24576 sys-id-ext 1)
             Address     0006.2A94.4A8D
             Hello Time  2 sec  Max Age 20 sec  Forward Delay 15 sec
             Aging Time  20

Interface        Role Sts Cost      Prio.Nbr Type
---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- --------------------------------
Fa0/1            Desg FWD 19        128.1    P2p
Fa0/10           Desg FWD 19        128.10   P2p

let's see with SW2:

SW2 chooses Fa0/10 as a Root Port and fa0/1 as a Bolocked Port.
how SW2 chooses fa0/10 as a Root Port?

SW2 needs to pick a single Root Port to reach the Root Bridge SW1 .After electing SW1 as the Root Bridge, SW2 evaluates Root Path Cost. Because both SW2:fa0/1 and SW2:fa0/10 have the same cost toward the Root Bridge, there is a tie. To break the tie, SW2 considers the Sending BID that it is receiving over both links.But both ports are connected to the same bridge,causing SW2 to receive the same Sending BID on both links. This results in another tie.Finally, SW2 evaluates the Port ID received in Configuration BPDUs on both ports. SW2:fa0/1 is receiving a Port ID of SW1:fa0/10, and SW2:fa0/10 is receiving a Port ID of SW1:fa0/1. SW2 chooses the lower value for a Root Port, finally fa0/10 is the root port while fa0/1 is a blocked port.
So it is the received values that are used here. SW2 does not evaluate its own BID and Port ID; it is looking at the values contained in the BPDUs being received from SW1.

SW2(config)#do show spann
  Spanning tree enabled protocol rstp
  Root ID    Priority    24577
             Address     0006.2A94.4A8D
             Cost        19
             Port        10(FastEthernet0/10)
             Hello Time  2 sec  Max Age 20 sec  Forward Delay 15 sec

  Bridge ID  Priority    32769  (priority 32768 sys-id-ext 1)
             Address     00D0.FF26.2375
             Hello Time  2 sec  Max Age 20 sec  Forward Delay 15 sec
             Aging Time  20

Interface        Role Sts Cost      Prio.Nbr Type
---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- --------------------------------
Fa0/1            Altn BLK 19        128.1    P2p
Fa0/10           Root FWD 19        128.10   P2p

The Port-ID is the priority of the port+the interface number
To ensure that fa0/1 becomes the Root Port,we will increase the priority of fa0/10 of SW1:

SW1(config)#int fa0/1
SW1(config-if)#spanning-tree vlan 1 port-priority ?
  <0-240>  port priority in increments of 16
SW1(config-if)#spanning-tree vlan 1 port-priority 240

verify the priority of fa0/1 on SW1:
SW1(config-if)#do show span
  Spanning tree enabled protocol rstp
  Root ID    Priority    24577
             Address     0006.2A94.4A8D
             This bridge is the root
             Hello Time  2 sec  Max Age 20 sec  Forward Delay 15 sec

  Bridge ID  Priority    24577  (priority 24576 sys-id-ext 1)
             Address     0006.2A94.4A8D
             Hello Time  2 sec  Max Age 20 sec  Forward Delay 15 sec
             Aging Time  20

Interface        Role Sts Cost      Prio.Nbr Type
---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- --------------------------------
Fa0/1            Desg FWD 19        240.1    P2p
Fa0/10           Desg FWD 19        128.10   P2p

As expected ,On SW2 now fa0/1 is the Root Port and fa0/10 is the Blocked port because now fa0/1 receives the lowest port-ID 128 from the port fa0/10 and fa0/10 receives the port-ID 240.1 from the port fa0/1 as shown by the following output:

SW2#show spanning-tree 
  Spanning tree enabled protocol rstp
  Root ID    Priority    24577
             Address     0006.2A94.4A8D
             Cost        19
             Port        1(FastEthernet0/1)
             Hello Time  2 sec  Max Age 20 sec  Forward Delay 15 sec

  Bridge ID  Priority    32769  (priority 32768 sys-id-ext 1)
             Address     00D0.FF26.2375
             Hello Time  2 sec  Max Age 20 sec  Forward Delay 15 sec
             Aging Time  20

Interface        Role Sts Cost      Prio.Nbr Type
---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- --------------------------------
Fa0/1            Root FWD 19        128.1    P2p
Fa0/10           Altn BLK 19        128.10   P2p

SW1 is the root bridge and it's connected to SW2 via a Hub:

SW1 is the root bridge,we know that all ports of a Root Bridge are in Designated roles as shown in the following output:

SW1#show spanning-tree 
  Spanning tree enabled protocol rstp
  Root ID    Priority    24577
             Address     00E0.B0D2.5A23
             This bridge is the root
             Hello Time  2 sec  Max Age 20 sec  Forward Delay 15 sec

  Bridge ID  Priority    24577  (priority 24576 sys-id-ext 1)
             Address     00E0.B0D2.5A23
             Hello Time  2 sec  Max Age 20 sec  Forward Delay 15 sec
             Aging Time  20

Interface        Role Sts Cost      Prio.Nbr Type
---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- --------------------------------
Fa0/1            Desg FWD 19        128.1    Shr

Let's see on SW2,fa0/2 is the Root Port while fa0/3 is a Blocked Port:
SW2#show spanning-tree 
  Spanning tree enabled protocol ieee
  Root ID    Priority    24577
             Address     00E0.B0D2.5A23
             Cost        19
             Port        2(FastEthernet0/2)
             Hello Time  2 sec  Max Age 20 sec  Forward Delay 15 sec

  Bridge ID  Priority    32769  (priority 32768 sys-id-ext 1)
             Address     00D0.BA83.2AA4
             Hello Time  2 sec  Max Age 20 sec  Forward Delay 15 sec
             Aging Time  20

Interface        Role Sts Cost      Prio.Nbr Type
---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- --------------------------------
Fa0/2            Root FWD 19        128.2    Shr
Fa0/3            Altn BLK 19        128.3    Shr

Let's look SW2 which is the interesting case.
SW2 needs to select one Root Port.After electing SW1 as the Root Bridge, SW2 evaluates Root Path Cost. Because both SW2:fa0/2 and SW2:fa0/3 have the same cost toward the Root Bridge, there is a tie. To break the tie, SW2 considers the Sending BID that it receives over both links.But both ports are connected to the same Root Bridge, which causes SW2 to receive the same Sending BID on both links. There is another tie. SW2 evaluates the Port ID received in Configuration BPDUs on both ports. SW2:fa0/2 is receiving a Port ID 128.1 of SW1:fa0/1, and SW2:fa0/3 is receiving a Port ID 128.1 of SW1:fa0/1. There is a tie because the sender Port ID is the same from SW1 which is 128.1 on both ports of SW2. To override the tie, SW2 will evaluate its own local Port ID values (the lower Port ID will be the Root Port),so fa0/2 is RP and fa0/3 is BP.
Notice that the condition: "Using the Local Port ID Value As a Tie-Breaker "is not included in the four conditions described above.
STP Root port selection becomes:

1. Lower Root Bridge ID
2. Lower Path Cost to the Root bridge.
3. Lower sending Bridge ID
4. Lower Sending Port ID
5. Lower Local port-id

the fifth tie breaker is the local Switch port-id, the lowest is prefered.
This is the only case where the local Port ID is used.

To ensure that fa0/3 becomes the root port we will either increase the port-priority of fa0/2 or decrease the port-priority of fa0/3:

Let' go:

SW2(config)#int fa0/3
SW2(config-if)#spanning-tree vlan 1 port-priority 16

Now fa0/3 is the Root port and fa0/2 is the Blocked Port as shown by the following output:

Switch#show spanning-tree 
  Spanning tree enabled protocol ieee
  Root ID    Priority    24577
             Address     00E0.B0D2.5A23
             Cost        19
             Port        3(FastEthernet0/3)
             Hello Time  2 sec  Max Age 20 sec  Forward Delay 15 sec

  Bridge ID  Priority    32769  (priority 32768 sys-id-ext 1)
             Address     00D0.BA83.2AA4
             Hello Time  2 sec  Max Age 20 sec  Forward Delay 15 sec
             Aging Time  20

Interface        Role Sts Cost      Prio.Nbr Type
---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- --------------------------------
Fa0/2            Altn BLK 19        128.2    Shr
Fa0/3            Root FWD 19        16.3     Shr

Notice when connecting the Switch with a Hub the link Type displayed in the show spanning-tree which is Shr.

By definition:
RSTP uses three Link Types. 
-Point-to-Point Link - This is connected to another switch. If a switchport is operating at full duplex and is receiving Hellos, then it is a Point-to-Point Link.
-Shared Link - This is connected to something like a hub. Hellos are being received but it is operating at half duplex.
-Edge - This is connected to an end-device. Equivalent to PortFast in traditional 802.1d.
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